Monday, December 30, 2013

Top 10 people I have on my FB list

I have been a fan of FB for quite some time and over a period of time, I have made many friends thanks to it. Most of them are people I know in person and a few I have met virtually. Although FB allows you to categorize your friends into family etc, I have my own 10 ways of categorizing the friends on FB..Here goes...

1.   The Farmville Fanatic:
You know this guy well, don’t you? I can see your head nodding as you read it. Either you ARE one or you know one! He is the one who asks you find his lost cow. In real life, this guy has never seen a farm in real life.

2.   The Tagger Teaser :
 Easy to recognize – he tags you everywhere even in pictures where you are not even present. Sometimes it’s not even a pic but some wishy-washy philosophy

3.   The Mystery Man:
This guy loves to tantalize you by his status. For example, his status can just say “Feeling low” without explaining why. Of course, this will get your attention immediately. But this is where I find that FB is very sexist. If a girl posts the above message, she will immediately get 105 likes and messages like “Awww…”, “So bad..feel for you”, “I am there for you.” Etc etc. If a guy does that, he will be glad if he gets 2 likes (one from himself) and one message saying “Grow up, dude!”

4.  The Living the Vida Loca:
This is the person who is most envied and is the cause of most emotional strife in your life. He is the guy who has updated his check in in fancy hotels all over the world except his home country. He never seems to be at work. Even if he is at work, he is in Hawaii or Caracas not Ahmedabad or Bhubaneswar.

5.  The Linker:
This guy never posts anything original – he only posts links to some random sites with messages like “Check this out…” Best ignored since the sites are usually dubious.

6.   The Prolific Photographer :
Closely related to the Living La Vida Loca guy – this guy posts pictures of exotic places with tag lines like “Loved the bungee jump from Victoria Falls #feelingontop”. However, this group consists of people who post pictures of everything - their cousin’s birthday, their dog’s birthday, his nephew’s first day in school or sometimes 9 pictures of his wife with almost the same expression on her face.  Most status messages say “XXXX has uploaded 102 pictures of his vacation in Venezuela”

            7. The Philosophical Plato:
Closely related to the Linker, this guy seems to be in depression all his life. Hence, the quotes from random philosophers which are about kindness etc. However, this guy never shows any kindness of his own – just the quotes.

            8. The Happy Birthday Logger:
Only found online on his birthday and then disappears from FB for the rest of the year. You realize he just wants to feel happy on his birthday and be proud that 100+ people wished him Happy Birthday with almost the same message.

            9. The Phantom Chatter
The one who says Hi and then total silence even after you respond. You, of course, say Hi to him/her immediately especially if he/she is of the opposite gender. You notice he has read your message after a few weeks and then disappears again to resurface with another Hi in a few months. 

          10. The Stalker Sam:
You know him! The guy who says Hi AS SOON AS you log in. This guy can be a problem especially if a spouse happens to be standing right behind you when you log in.

If you have come to this blog thru my FB link, do let me know if YOU fall into any of the above categories or any other set of people you have noticed in your FB list...


srinivas said...

ha ha! very nice vishnu.

Etc Etc said...

Thanks cheenu!

Unknown said...

I have seen your Seattle pic and somewhat made me explore more about you buddy. Will send you friend request on FB now. Cheers....