Sunday, May 24, 2009

How Bhagwaan got married - Part 2

The story so far...

Bhagwaan has reached a "marriageable" age and hence his relatives are trying to get him married. He meets the office shrew Priyanka at his aunt's house and is horrified to hear from his mother that his marriage with Priyanka is almost "fixed". As usual, Bhagwaan has no unique ideas of his own and leaves it to Ganesha to resolve the crisis...Given the year (1995), terms and conditions are fixed at a reasonable Rs 21/- with Ganesha. Now read on...

The next day Bhagwaan reached the office and got quite a few looks from his colleagues - some were full of pity and some seemed to be laughing at him. He realized that Priyanka must have told the office about the developments. Think of the devil! and there she was..!

Priyanka: Hello Bhagwaan!

Bhagwaan: Ahem!! Er...Hello Hello Hello...

Priyanka: What on earth are you wearing? Blue doesn't suit you at all!

Bhagwaan: What?!!!! Quite a few people have told me that blue suits me very well.

Priyanka: Your blind friends, I suppose? (and she gave him an arched look) Also, I think you need a hair cut. That hair cut looks so stupid on you - I know someone who can fix it.

Bhagwaan: That is my Tom Cruise hair cut yaar!!(Editor's note: This line was picked up by a Hindi movie about 9 years later. Unfortunately, Bhagwaan did not copyright it at that time)

Priyanka gave him a kids-will-be-kids look and walked off towards the boss’s office. As a parting shot she said "And you should stop drinking - it damages your liver as you well know...”

Bhagwaan could see his life flashing in front of his eyes and also his future did not look very pleasant. He knew that his goose was cooked - Priyanka would do exactly as she said and this was even before marriage. God only knows what she would do after marriage...He inspected his imagination - it boggled!!

It was a very pensive Bhagwaan who stuttered through the next few days. The story around the office was that he was running into walls and jumping from his seat at the slightest tap on the shoulder. But then Ganesha had never failed him...However, he repeated his terms and conditions to Ganesha in case HE had forgotten.

The week passed by slowly. Finally Friday came and for Bhagwaan, it was like a Monday - he was dreading each day now. However, he stood in a queue in front of the STD booth as usual at 10.30 pm (rates were cheaper) to call his mother. Finally, he got his chance after a wait of half an hour

Bhagwaan: Hello Ma. How is life? (and in an undertone to himself "Hopefully its good, mine is messed up anyway")

Ma: I am fine, beta. I went to the Siddhi Vinayaka temple in Marredpally and had a dream as soon as I came out...

Bhagwaan realized his mother could take for an hour about her dreams, convinced that they were real but cost him a lot of money...He had no choice but to listen half heartedly..He did not listen to her and kept grunting in between. Suddenly he perked up...

Ma: ...and so beta, that is why you should not marry Priyanka...

Bhagwaan: What? You are asking me NOT to marry Priyanka. But I thought YOU wanted me to marry her.

Ma: You have not been listening at all to my conversation. You have been like from childhood. I was telling you about the dream I had after visiting the Siddhi Vinayaka temple - you know that Ganesha temple near our house - it is similar to the famous one in Bombay.

Bhagwaan: Yes Yes...go on!!

Ma: I dreamt that after your marriage I would be alone in the house since Priyanka would drive me away from you. You have always been my favourite, even though you were dropped on the floor when you were a child. You know, beta, how I trust my dreams. I know it will be a blow to you but I am sure there are other girls around...

Bhagwaan: Of course, Ma!! Anything for you...It will break my heart but I will use QuickFix...

Ma: So nice, beta. And for that, I will allow you to have that ridiculous hair cut - Tom Drive or something...

Bhagwaan: Tom Cruise Ma!! Thanks! Now let me go home and cry..!!

And that’s exactly what Bhagwaan did - he went home and cried in joy!!! Ganesha has again pulled him out of a tough situation. The next Sunday was a Saturday and lets just say Bhagwaan's purse was lighter by Rs 21/-!

PS: In hindsight, maybe the title of this post should have been "How Bhagwaan got married - ALMOST!!"


kunal said...

awesome sir!

are these real stories ?

Etc Etc said...

@Kunal - Thanks! No, these are not real but are loosely based on incidents in my life.