10. You find out what relatives are doing in life although you don’t really care about them and haven't talked to them in decades.
9. It’s nice to hear other people insult your friends publicly. It’s even more nicer to take an active part in it - YOU start insult your friends also .
8. Because you can keep checking and updating Facebook multiple times a day and complain how about your busy life!
7. You can show of your camera skills to everyone so that people become aware you understand things like focal point/aperture/shutter speed etc etc
6. So you can remember people's birthdays and wish them so that your contact with them for that year is taken care! Whew!
5. Because you don’t have a life!
4. It’s so great to beat your friends at some stupid quizzes and games to get that "feel good" factor.
3. It feels nice to ask friends to help out a lost cow in Farmville although you don’t really care about the ones in real life
2. You feel proud to have 324 friends out of which you vaguely remember 272 of them.
And the number one reason is
1. You can use it to send links to your blog and try to help improve its statistics - like I do! :-)
Comments welcome - below or on my Facebook account - I also don't have a life you see!!
9. It’s nice to hear other people insult your friends publicly. It’s even more nicer to take an active part in it - YOU start insult your friends also .
8. Because you can keep checking and updating Facebook multiple times a day and complain how about your busy life!
7. You can show of your camera skills to everyone so that people become aware you understand things like focal point/aperture/shutter speed etc etc
6. So you can remember people's birthdays and wish them so that your contact with them for that year is taken care! Whew!
5. Because you don’t have a life!
4. It’s so great to beat your friends at some stupid quizzes and games to get that "feel good" factor.
3. It feels nice to ask friends to help out a lost cow in Farmville although you don’t really care about the ones in real life
2. You feel proud to have 324 friends out of which you vaguely remember 272 of them.
And the number one reason is
1. You can use it to send links to your blog and try to help improve its statistics - like I do! :-)
Comments welcome - below or on my Facebook account - I also don't have a life you see!!
After reading these top ten reasons ,I felt so guilty of most of the cardinal sins mentioned herein that I'm seriously considering de-activating my FB account !!
Haha! Madhu!Here I am trying to make people join FB and you are trying ot get out? Beats the purpose!
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