10. Thou shalt not notice the zits on the face however ugly they look
9. Thou shalt understand that "having a headache" does not necessarily mean taking out painkillers
8. Thou shalt never praise your wife's friends however good they look and you want to hit on them
7. Thou shall always fall the old adage of "Silence is Golden " as much as possible
6. Thou shalt understand if your kid comes first in class, then it comes from HER side of the family
5. Thou shalt also understand that if your kid gets a complaint from school, it comes from YOUR side of the family
4. Thou shalt understand the statement "My feet are paining" means "I am overworked, you louse and I need a massage so better get that started"
3. Thou shalt know that a "No" can mean Yes, No or Maybe
2. Thou shall always answer the questions "Am I fat? Have I gained weight?" with a emphatic "No!!!!" however untrue it is
and the number 1 commandment
1. Thou shalt know that you should always have the last word in a fight and that is "Sorry"
Happy marriage!
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