Monday, March 1, 2010


Hope all of you had a great Holi with a lot of Rang Barse and lots of bhang. I have been told that bhang has different effects on different people. If you are talking to someone, you keep on repeating the lines whilst if you are laughing, you keep on laughing with no apparent reason. Talking of bhang, here is how my conversation with the Better Half went on Holi day

BH: So - the light of my life - did you ever have bhang in your life?

LH (Lesser Half aka Vishnu): Oh yes - marrying you was a bhang by itself!

BH: (with a squeal of delight): Oh!! you mean you were intoxicated by me?

LH: No - I cried then and have not stopped crying till now.

Excuse me while I go back to peeling the potatoes for my dinner. I don't think I will get away easily this time.

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