Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How Bhagwaan got married - Part 1

The year 1995 - a very significant year because that was the year Windows 95 was released in the market. Knowing very well that Windows would occupy more and more of your disk space, there is announcement of the DVD format to store large amounts of data. The year was even more significant because our dear friend Bhagwaan was put up in the matrimonial market place.

Bhagwaan was not a handsome man (by any stretch of imagination!!) but had a great IQ and an even better sense of humor. He did not exactly set the market place on fire but news of his mellow nature reached quite a few women who had daughters of a marriageable age.
He suddenly found vague relatives come up to him and ask probing questions about his job, his salary, and his "habits" during social functions. Although the women felt that they were subtle ("usko kuch pata hi nahin chala!!"), he could easily see through them.

One day, he was "invited" casually for lunch at his aunt's house. He was quite surprised since he rarely got such invites. But having got bored on his own cooking, he decided to go anyway - Maggi noodles does not give much of nutrition whatever the ads say!! He arrived at about 1 and was surprised to see a strange lady opening the door and even more surprised to see her give a broad smile. She looked vaguely familiar - like someone at the office but she looked too old to be working..

"Arre!! Come in, Bhagwaan! So nice to see you" said the S.L. He walked in and saw his aunt with a few other strangers. Everyone seemed to smiling and nudging each other. That's when he saw HER!! He remembered her very well - for all the wrong reasons! Her name was Priya-something and she used to work in his office. She used to constantly fight with everyone but was reputed to be in the boss's good books primarily because she used to go and tell him all the office gossip. She herself was reputed to be bossy and would crack her whip as required. For people familiar with PG Wodehouse, she started where Florence Craye left off..

Bhagwaan was wondering how she was here - maybe she knew one of his cousins. Suddenly his aunt came up and said “Bhagwaan - do you know Priyanka? She is my cousin Renuka's daughter?” and pointed to the S.L. Then it dawned on him - now he knew why the S.L. looked familiar.

His aunt kept going on "You know Priyanka is such a nice girl - she also works in IT in SEEPZ. I am told her boss likes her a lot as well as all her office people because she has such a sweet nature". He glared at Priyanka but was surprised to see a strange look on her face. A look which said "Is this person worth it? Can I mould this person?". He quickly gobbled his lunch and went home.

Later in the evening, he called up home as spoke to his mother. He had to stand in a long line in front of the STD booth to get a chance to call his mother (yeah - the days when there were no mobiles!!!).

His mother said "So how was lunch today? Did you meet Priyanka? How did you like her?"

Bhagwaan spluttered "Priyanka? How do you know her? Why will I like her at all?"

His mother replied "Because we are planning to get you married to her. You have such a dreamy nature and she would take you in hand. You need someone strong in your life and I think she will fit in well. "

Bhagwaan was flabbergasted "What? I do want to marry but I can’t marry Priyanka. She will make my life hell. She is a bossy person and you know very well that I don't like bossy women".

His mother replied "Bhagwaan - don't be a pest. I have heard about Priyanka and I think both of you will make a good couple. No arguments - I have already decided. So there!!!" and she banged the phone down.

Bhagwaan knew his mom well - once she had decided, she would stick to her decision. His father was a mild mannered man and hence did not really oppose her. How will he get out of this mess?

That is when he thought of Ganesha and decided to enlist his help...hopefully he would get out of this mess. Will Ganesha help or will Bhagwaan now become Mr. Priyanka?

To be continued

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good start. Looking forward to Part 2..