Today's realization -
thanks to the Ice Bucket Challenge, I have been privileged to view many
people's bathrooms!
Today's realization -
what is the point of showing ads to sell TVs ON TV itself? If your current
image quality is bad, then the one shown inside the ad will also be fuzzy. If
your current image quality is good, why will you want to buy a new one anyway?
Today's realization
(thanks to some commuting between two ends of town) - Three definite things in
Hyderabad 1) why paint the lanes when no one follows it? 2) Red lights are a
mere suggestion 3) incessant honking clears all traffic in front of you
Today's realization - the
happiest in the world on my birthday (a couple of weeks back) seemed to be my
insurance company because they could avoid a payout - so evident in their
birthday greetings.
Today's realization -
0.01 seconds is the amount of time after the signal turns green that the person
behind you starts honking asking you to move on....
Today's realization - I
saw a poster with pictures of multiple people on it near a busy intersection.
Initially, I thought they were the local small time politicians and their
cronies trying to get publicity. When I went near and saw closely, it was
actually a warning with pictures of pickpockets in the area and not the local
politicians. Then I realized - there was ACTUALLY no difference!
Today's realization - it
is easier to wake up at 6.15 am on a weekend than to do it on a Monday morning
after a long weekend after all the festivities and with such gloomy weather
outside. But then I did...
Today's realization -
there is always that one person in a meeting who basically waits for everyone
to give an opinion, picks up key points from each person and then summarizes it
to make it sound as if he has a very strategic & broad perspective thus
impressing the boss!
Today's realization -
each parent believes that the good attributes in the child comes from his/her's
genes while the bad attributes comes from the spouse's side...
Today's realization - there
is ALWAYS an aunt who knows you from childhood and remembers every embarrassing
incident in your life (peeing in your shorts, some word you mispronounced etc.)
and will recount every teeny-weeny detail to your new bride (thus damaging the
image you built of yourself during your courtship days!)
Today's realization -
there was ALWAYS one teacher in school that you especially liked (okay okay -
had a crush on) which made you go to school on a Monday morning!
Today's realization -
your worst picture in life is usually on some form of id - passport, driver's
licence, voter card etc. and can be a constant source of amusement to your
Today's realization - the
line that I stand in ALWAYS turns out to have the one of the following - the
worst checkout person in the world , a terminal which cannot scan correctly, a
guy with a credit card that does not work or the person with the biggest
shopping basket ever!
Today's realization -
ever notice when you are driving that you feel the guy who overtakes you is
driving too fast while the guy you are following is driving too slowly?
Today's realization -
there is ALWAYS a little bit of your mother in your little daughter...
Today's realization -
ever notice that the dress/shirts they have on the mannequin is never in stock
inside the store? If it is in stock, it is not in your size! If you are lucky
and they do have it in the store and in your size, when you finally wear it, it
does not look half as good on you as on the dummy outside!!
Today's realization - ever
notice that the videographer is actually the director of your marriage ceremony
and we are but mere actors? Also, did you ever realize that he is the most
irritating person when you are stuffing your mouth?
Today's realization -
even though you know the daily forecast in the paper cannot cover the millions
of people under the zodiac sign, you still feel happy when it predicts
something nice for you!
Today's realization - the
worst part of the marriage ceremony is when the guests come to greet you on
stage You don't know most of them but still grin stupidly at them, they mumble
something that you don't hear and they are as relieved as you when they walk
off the stage.
Today's realization -
irrespective of how the new born baby looks, the maternal grandmother will
ALWAYS claim that the baby looks like the father!
Today's realization - 2
seconds is the time in India between the wheels of the aircraft touching the
ground and the sound of the unbuckling of the seat belt while 4 seconds after
is the time the overhead lockers are opened in spite of the admonishments!
Today's realization - the
best way to make your spouse happy is to tell her that you lost 1, 00,000 at
the races, make her angry and then tell her it is actually 10,000 and then she
will be fine! This is officially called Flipkarting now!
Today's realization - the
closest you get to feeling like Superman is when your little baby holds on to
your finger and doesn't let go
Today's realization -
people tell about their deepest, darkest emotions and fears on Facebook to
everyone but then complain about lack of privacy controls on it!!!
Today's realization - the
most meaningless "Happy Diwali" greeting ever is from one of your
service providers (cable, broadband, mobile etc.).
Today's realization - I
guess they expect a year of wrong billing, unscheduled down times, pathetic
customer service can be made up because they send a "non personalized,
full of routine pictures of lamps and clichéd phrases" from an unmonitored
email box! Yeah right!
Today's realization -
"Nothing" "k", "Ok" are the most powerful words
in a woman's vocabulary. Small words but can have a wealth of meaning to the
husband. This is the time you should go out and buy her favorite things!
Today's realization - the
most irritating start to a phone conversation is when an unknown voice calls
you up and asks you "Who is this?"! Till now, I have not been able to
figure out the best retort to it.
Today's realization -
there are bike drivers in Hyderabad who are fine with a head on collision just to
avoid a pothole! Your brains might explode (thanks to having no helmet) but the
bike should remain safe!
Today's realization - how
come all the TV channels run their ads at the SAME time? Whatever channel you
surf during a break (to keep the remote away from the others) seems to have a
commercial at the very same time!
Today's realization - if
only they could bottle up a baby's smell after a bath and feed, they could
outsell every perfume in the world. Likewise, if they can understand the
peaceful sleep the baby has after the bath/feed, they could put the Deepak
Chopras and any other gurus, who teach you about inner peace, to shame!
Today's realization - the
best part of the conversation happens when the guests are outside the door and
just about to leave - that 30 mins has sometimes the best family gossip!
Today's realization - New
Year resolutions are like eggs - meant to be broken! :)
Today's realization - you
know you are old when you have to keep scrolling in the drop down to choose
your birth year in an online form. It was actually easier to type in the year
directly (lesser key strokes)!!!
Today's realization -
unlike us, the earth works harder on weekends by rotating twice as fast and
takes rest on weekdays by rotating twice as slowly. That explains why weekends
go off so fast while weekdays seem to stretch.
Today's realization -
sometimes the joy of finding 60 rupees intact in your jeans after a wash is
much more than the money you might have in the bank..
Today's realization - the
most inane piece of information is when the pilot tells you the cruising speed,
the altitude and the temperature outside. You can't feel the speed, you don't
want to test the altitude and you definitely won't keep your hand out to test
the temperature!
Today's realization - it
is only the very young and the very old who can speak their mind freely. The
first group does not know the impact and the second one does not care. The rest
of us are the ones who need to be mindful about what we say all the time...
Today’s realization –
WHATEVER happens during the rest of the World Cup does not matter now. Today –
we HAVE won the World Cup by defeating Pakistan!
Today's realization
(rider to the last one) - it does not matter if we don't qualify for the next
round of the World Cup AS LONG AS Pakistan does not qualify too!
Today's realization - the
best part of February is that you work only 28 days and still get paid the full
month's salary!
Today's realization - the
best day of the year is not your birthday, nor your spouse's birthday or even
your marriage anniversary. It is actually the day when the school exams get
over and frayed tempers come back to normal. The other best day, of course, is
the day when school restarts and you heave a sigh of relief!
Today’s realization –
whether it is India or Ireland, the ads on TV are the same – promising you
fitter abs or cleaner floors or whiter clothes. Even the lines on bonus offers
if you call within the next 30 minutes remain the same. The only change is the
accent and the currency. Global consumerism is here to stay!
44. Today's realization - you are always 12 to your mom when
she is giving advice irrespective of the fact that you are actually in your
30s, 40s, 50s or even more!
45. Today’s
realization – not sure which makes me most angry – the bad luck that you get
the slowest clerk in the entire shopping line OR that the products don’t get
scanned automatically OR the person in front of insists on paying through a
card that does not work OR a new counter opens up and everyone behind you moves
to the new counter and you are now the last in the line!
46. Today's
realization - there is no difference between corporate hospitals and five star
hotels - polite reception, nice rooms, multiple restaurants and good room
service. The only difference is the higher costs (from the resident's
perspective) and more demanding residents (from the business perspective) in
corporate hospitals.
47. Today's
realization - you can look really really bad on certain days but you can never
look as bad as the picture on a government issued ID card e.g. Passport, aadhar
card, ration card, voter id card etc.
48. Today's
realization - no roller coaster (I repeat no roller coaster) in any amusement
park in the world is as scary as sitting in a auto rickshaw while the driver
whizzes around the narrow lanes in Hyderabad!
49. Today's
realization - except the bride and the groom and a very few others, no one is
really interested in the marriage ceremonies. They are actually interested in
1) the food 2) what others are wearing 3) showing off what they are wearing 4)
meeting others 5) the food!!
50. Today's
realization - the best coordinated departments are the Roads laying and the
pipe laying one. They really work in perfect sync - the pipes department digs
the next day AFTER the Roads department has laid a new road.
51. Today's
realization - the biggest win in your life is when you pretend to lose to a
child and see the his/her happiness at it.
52. Today's
realization - the two biggest fights in an Indian family during summer 1) Who
emptied all the cold water in the fridge? 2) Who did not fill the empty
bottles? #IndianSummerMemories
53. Today's
realization - you know you are old when you have to keep scrolling in the drop
down to choose your birth year in an online form. It was actually easier to
type in the year directly (lesser key strokes)!!!
54. Today's realization -the second most visible display of
money, power, politics, cunningness, stealth, spying etc. is war. The first
one, of course, is marriage!
55. Today's realization - the most embarrassing moment when
visiting someone's house is when they ask a 4 year old child to recite nursery
rhymes and the kid refuses! The parents push him/her and give excuses, you ask
to let it go (secretly relieved) and the child doesn't understand what is
56. Today's realization - the most "scenti-mental"
person in the world is the crazy one who believes that all women will run after
him thanks to his deo (as they promise in the ads)
Today's realization - The worst part of doing all those
complicated poses on Yoga day is that you notice all the cobwebs in nooks and
corners as you twist and turn! #jestsaying
58. Today's realization - men can be the best cooks in the world
when they deign to enter the kitchen but you need the world's best maid to
clean up after them!
Today's realization - women remember every detail - what you
both wore on the first day you met, the restaurant you went to, what you ate
and the "actual reason" for your first tiff.
The men, on the other hand, don't even remember
what they wore yesterday or what they had for lunch. #jestsaying
60. Today's realization - the origin of 'good cop, bad cop"
did not originate from cops but actually from parents who played the two roles
to the hilt and interchanged as required. In fact, we should call it as
"good parent, bad parent"
Today’s realization – the best way for family bonding is not
by going to a movie or going to a restaurant or go on a vacation. It is
actually when both your ISP decides to have an extended outage and hence no
Internet access on all devices AND your cell phone provider has poor signals at
the same time. #thankyoubeam #thankyouairtel
Today's realization - you know you are old when you
stand up to remonstrate your son and notice that you now have to look UP to
meet his eyes!
63. As they say age is just a number but then I have never been good
at numbers anyway! smile emoticon
Today's realization - whichever toothpaste you use (with
salt, neem, coal, clove oil, prescribed by the Dental Association, by dentists
practicing in the UK or any of the above combos), ultimately you WILL visit the
dentist and have the same trepidation when you sit in the chair.....#youknowthedrill
65. Today's realization - the best way to recharge batteries in the
remote control is to hit it a few times- first with your hands and then on a
hard surface. If that does not work, open the slot and rotate them, exchange
their slots or replace them with any other used batteries lying around.
If that does not work and only IF, THEN replace
with new batteries. There is no point making a fool of yourself! 😃
66. Today's realization - the best way to recharge batteries in
the remote control is to hit it a few times- first with your hands and then on
a hard surface. If that does not work, open the slot and rotate them, exchange
their slots or replace them with any other used batteries lying around.
If that does not work and only IF, THEN replace
with new batteries. There is no point making a fool of yourself! 😃
67. Today's realization - when a cab driver in Hyderabad says he
is coming in "just" 5 minutes, he actually means 20+ minutes...
68. Today's realization - the most irritating people are people
who come to your city for work and then complain how much better it was in their
old city! This can be true even when they join an organization or a team! (I am
as guilty!)
Today's realization - there is actually ONLY one way of
getting 4G in most places in the city. Buy a dual SIM phone and get two 2G
connections and claim you have 4G now. This way you also get 2G in smaller
70. Today's realization - the old parent and the young toddler
are very similar when they walk. You have your heart in the mouth when they
falter with hesitant steps, hoping they wont fall and hurt themselves. Both are
too proud to take the proferred hand to help them. Both have the same look of
pride at the end "See - I have done it!". YOU have the proud look of
the parent and the child rolled into one when you see that.
71. Today's realization - it is the combination of garbled &
incoherent announcements on flight departures AND apathetic passengers who are
lost in their own world, which makes the airport employees desperately run up
& down the seating areas shouting frantically "Final Call! Final
Today's realization - the best exercise you can do on a cold
wintry Sunday morning is press the snooze button multiple times! #lifetips
Today's realization - the very things that your parents
forbid you from doing during your childhood (and for which you were punished)
are the same ones that they find incredibly cute in their grand children and
even encourage them. You are actually reprimanded saying "Kids will be
74. Today's realization - never buy a toothpaste which is
recommended by 9 out of 10 dentists (even if they are shown practising in the
UK!) Why would they recommend something good impacts their business
negatively?!!. Find something they don't recommend - now THAT will work!
75. Today's realization - the most irritating girl is the one in
the Airtel ad who talks about downloading movies while one cannot get a decent
signal to even make a phone call (and to top it - data disabled for 1.5 days
with no notice - could not even download even a single email, forget movies!)
realization - today is the day, by when, probably 90% of the New Year
resolutions are already broken. The rest 10% did not even start! :)
77. Today's realization - it is difficult to remember the names/faces
of old school mates but the minute, someone points out the wicked nickname he
was given or some wacky or weird thing he had done in school, THEN all the
memories start to flood in.... :)
78. Today's realization - you really
feel happy when FB introduces a feature which mirrors your exact opinion of a
product (and not a Like!)
realization - there was always one teacher in school who claimed that THIS
batch was the worst one in her experience. Of course, she repeated the
statement every year!
realization - the most interesting discussion during an Indian marriage is the
"food analysis" - of how one dish lacked salt, one was too salty and
how one dish never made it to them. This, from the bunch of people, who would
have gorged themselves and ensured "paisa vasool" for the gift they
gave! 😝
realization - when they advertise a medium pizza as a meal for two, I guess
they expect one of the two must be on a diet!
realization : Defeated Australia - Check,Defeated Pakistan - Check, Pakistan
out of World Cup - Check. For some positive people, we have won the World Cup
(even if we lost in the semi finals)
realization - some people you disliked extremely at the World Cup will now be
cheered and some others whom you loved will now be booed!#ipltamasha
realization - unlike the rest of us mere mortals who have a list of published
holidays, the nationalized banks should publish a list of WORKING days to make
it easier for us to remember! #toomanyholidays
realization - people have a misguided notion of sympathy. When you describe a
painful ailment that is troubling you, they will tell you of THEIR travails
with the same ailiment and how much more worse it was for them.
realization - there are 8 captains playing in the IPL, there are at least 80000
of them at home, who feel they can do better
realization - the second most expensive * is the one after the pizza price. It
usually adds 20%+ to the 199 pizza that you felt was reasonable. The most
expensive one,of course, is the one after mutual funds
realization - the best innovation that has improved service provider &
customer interaction is the Uber star rating - suddenly both are so nice to
each other! The worst innovation, of course, is the fact that Hyderabad auto
drivers don't call it "half return" or "20 rupees over
meter" anymore - they now call it "surge pricing"!
realization - you know someone is totally not into Facebook when you wish him
for his birthday and then notice that your last year's greeting is still not
realization - the irony is that while you anyway lose your privacy when you
join Facebook yet we feel that we can bring back our privacy by copy pasting
some lines quoting some vague UCC or Rome statutes
realization - most Indian parents become doctors as the kids grow up and
develop cough/cold/fever frequently #docwithoutlicense
realization - the second prize for knowing all your details (friends, events,
location etc) goes to the apps in your phone. The first prize, of course, goes
to the neighborhood aunties!
93. Today's realization - medical treatment is 10% medication and
90% trust
94. Today's realization - instead of measuring Hyderabad rains in
mm or cm, they should measure it by the corresponding Uber surge prices. For
example, this year we had good rains, average surge prices was 4.5 while two
years back, it was only 1.2!
95. Today's realization - if the "as seen on TV" ads,
worked ACTUALLY as they promise (reduce weight instantly, give you 6 pack abs
in a few minutes, make soft rotis, make cleaning a breeze etc), then life would
be so much better!
96. Today's realization - if everyone actually read and
understood every line of the Terms and Conditions of apps that they download,
then there will be no users signing up for any of these apps! #noprivacy
97. Today's realization - the best way to inspire a man to cook
is make him watch him a few cookery shows and then let him loose - he might
just outdo the show host! :)
98. Today's realization - the health index of any food is
inversely proportional to its taste index
99. Today's realization - the best examples of plastic surgery
are seen on Indian soap operas - either a woman who has kids getting married
but looks 30 or a woman who undergoes plastic surgery and looks totally
different now (thanks to an actor leaving the show!!
:) )
100. Today's
realization – you realize you are getting old when your “gyaan” aka realizations
reach the century mark – 1. to an extent that whenever people meet you, they give you
suggestions for a new realization! :) The complete list of realizations are kept at